Okay, now Cenntenial has done it! The Cridersville PTO president's house has been flocked! Can you believe it? I heard they opened their windows, had the garage doors open and still missed it. Actually, when I talked with the current pres, she said she thought she heard someone on the front porch...but thought, no, someone wouldn't be up there this time of night. Apparently she was wrong! The front yard is covered in a sea of pink.
The secret PTO photographer was able to capture these nighttime shots but will be out again tomorrow to record the flocking with photos taken in daylight. Be sure to come back to see the daytime photos added to this post.
Beware, Cridersville staff and parents, you may be next!!
*daytime photo has been added

This is cute and funny. Nice to be president huh.
Better her than me!
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