194 Schools of Promise Recognized
Columbus – From Appalachia to the inner cities, the number of Ohio schools with more than 40 percent poverty that met or exceeded state standards in reading or mathematics for all groups of children went from 117 in 2006 to 194 in 2007. Susan Tave Zelman, superintendent of public instruction, today sent letters of recognition to each of the school’s principals, who also will receive a banner later this month. “At a time when schools are being held more accountable for all groups of children, both statewide and at the federal level, these Schools of Promise are solid evidence that students from low-income communities can beat the odds. They provide hope and promise to students and teachers in all Ohio schools,” said Zelman.
Cridersville Elementary has been recognized two times in three years as a School of Promise.
The PTO would like to applaud the teachers and staff for their dedication and hard work in preparing our students not only for these state tests, but for life beyond their years in Cridersville Elementary School. Thank You!